For the Adult Literacy Tutor
Online Resources(beginner)
ABC PC is a Norwegian site for teaching computer beginners. The only trouble is, it still uses Flash (Adobe) technology for the animation, so you’ll need to know how to enable that in your web browser.
Excellence Gateway Entry Level 1 Literacy Activities
As this is a UK site some material will be more appropriate than others but it will give you heaps of ideas of what to do at this level. Links to resources can be found here:
- Literacy or numeracy,
- Diagnostic and other learning materials
- Using ICT to develop literacy skills
- OR search their site for learning materials relating to literacy, for example.
Themes at entry level cover:
- lost and found, keeping healthy,
- where I live,
- working in a café.
BBC Skillswise
- English: This UK interactive site is especially designed for adults to improve their literacy and numeracy. The English section includes reading, writing, spelling, word grammar, speaking & listening arranged at three levels. The site is suitable for beginner and intermediate learners.
- Jobskills: Fantastic worksheets at a range of levels. Site suitable for beginner and intermediate learners. Built around English and Maths needs under sections private sector, public sector, self employed and finding a new job. Click here for a sample worksheet at beginner level Working in a Hotel.
- Entry 1, 2 & 3 for beginners. Level 1 is the level needed for many jobs.
Reading & Writing Hotline
The Reading & Writing Hotline is divided into spelling, reading, numbers and handwriting and is aimed at beginning to intermediate adult literacy students. You can find here:
- resources for tutors,
- learning materials for adult learners here, as well as
- various reader-style books designed for adult learners.
Apps & Other Tools
- Tips for Using an iPad: Tips for tutors on using an iPad with adult literacy students.
- Spectronics: Top Ten Tips for People Starting Out (with iPads).
Typing Tutor Apps
These days you can find many typing tutors online, for example:
Alphabet sounds
Phonics Song: Although written for children this song is excellent way of learning the sounds of the alphabet after learning the names.
Technologies for Accessibility
Spectronics is an Australian company specialising in inclusive learning technologies. Their site is a goldmine for finding information on literacy support apps, plus other ways of making learning materials more accessible for adult literacy learners. For example: a webinar giving top 10 apps for literacy support in mainstream classrooms.
WikiHow is accessible for low literacy learners because of its use of clear photos. Search instructions of how to do a familiar activity for your learner.